The GT Profile is six years old, and aside from the myriad holes and chili stains, it’s a size XXL shirt for everyone. At some point a couple years back we knitted up a variant specifically tailored to IC needs, but that was an XXXL shirt. It’s high time we diversified our wardrobe.
To that end we’re developing a new, multi-option profile. In the distant future we might offer more choices than one of those touchscreen drink dispensers but for now we figured we’d go with the classic: three options. Slim, standard, and full. Bearing in mind that these are the baseline installations (i.e. you can add whatever additional modules you want post-installation), and that the profile prevents users from uninstalling its specified modules, we are aiming to design each of these options to serve the largest number of sites. That said, here are our specific aims for each profile option:
Slim: This is the absolute bare minimum requirement for a public GT-branded site. The slim profile would include the GT theme, GT tools (which we use to facilitate theme changes via update hooks), and CAS. This option will allow for maximum flexibility at the cost of convenience.
Standard: This profile will produce a GT-branded site with a few judiciously selected additions we thought would be useful on almost all sites. How did we come to this determination? Simple! This is where we expect y’all, the GT Drupal community at large, to provide value we can’t, by looking this list over and telling us to get stuffed.
Full: This profile is an adaptation of the profile we’ve been using to develop sites for IC. It contains everything from the standard profile plus a fairly large range of additional modules we use for development, site building, SEO, and various other purposes. It’s a lot of functionality for very little effort, the tradeoff being that you’re looking at 66 uninstallable modules and themes.
We anticipate launching the new profile around late May, barring the usual unforeseen obstacles. At this stage we would like your feedback. Please take a look at the proposal and let us know if you think any of the options is overloaded or missing something. Email us with your critiques/suggestions!