Promotional Inquiries

In some cases, the Institute will participate in the activities that give us the opportunity to share common experiences and leverage the experience gained to the advantage of Georgia Tech.

It is important that Georgia Tech avoids any conflict of interest and ensures that every procurement process meets state requirements.

See the Use of Name standards in the Brand Guide for specific guidelines.

Promotional Inquires Include:

  • Case studies.
  • Profiles featuring Georgia Tech and the products or services that have been tested by the Institute.
  • News releases announcing Georgia Tech’s usage of a particular product, vendor, or service.
  • Video interviews requesting comments by Georgia Tech personnel.
  • Company newsletters, online websites.


As a public university, neither the Institute nor its employees are permitted to endorse private, commercial, or for-profit companies, services, vendors, or products. This policy is based on Georgia constitutional interpretations advising that providing an endorsement can appear as something of value and, as such, can be considered a gratuity.

See the Use of Name standards in the Brand Guide for specific guidelines.

Request Review

  1. All promotional inquiries, including those for case study participation or testing activities, should be directed to Blair Meeks, Assistant Vice President of External Communications.
  2. Each request is evaluated on an individual basis.
    The Institute is not mandated to participate in these activities. Benefits to the Institute’s reputation will be weighed in each case, as will the time required by individuals who are asked to participate. See the Use of Name standards in the Brand Guide.
  3. Any required release forms should be reviewed by the Office of Legal Affairs.
    Legal may be consulted for advice at any time during a review of the case study. The CIO/CTO should also review the material if the case study or other information involves technology, software, or a related service.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, click here.